Speech, Language & Dyslexia Specialists - Serving St. Louis families for over 25 Years

SLLS Meridian Academy

Enhance Vocabulary, Reading, and Writing Success!

Summer Enrichment Services

Speech Language Learning Systems is excited to offer the following programs to enhance language skills and introduce strategies for learning success through our SLLS Meridian Academy!

Services target strategy instruction to enhance vocabulary, reading, and writing success and provide an excellent opportunity for students to learn new strategies and build on skills, especially during the summer months.

SLLS Meridian Academy draws on the expertise of licensed speech-language pathologists who guide students through the learning process.

While offered individually, small group instruction options may be available. A minimum of ten 1-hour sessions are targeted for each strategy introduced.

SLLS Meridian Academy & SLLS Service Descriptions

ACT/SAT Vocabulary

ACT/SAT Vocabularyfor middle school and high school age students utilize “What’s the Word?®”, a multi-sensory vocabulary program that teaches SAT/ACT vocabulary words and test preparation strategies. The 635 vocabulary words included in this three-volume program were chosen based on the frequency of appearance on the SAT and in literature. Session and home practice activities target reading comprehension, note taking, critical thinking, study skills, and test taking strategies. The LINCS™ Vocabulary strategy, a research-based strategy from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning, may also be integrated into instruction.  Ten hours of instruction typically covers 15-18 of the 88 units in the complete vocabulary series.

The Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing

The Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing™ from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning is a strategy for paraphrasing and summarizing information heard or read. This explicit approach assists students in identifying main ideas and related details to reinforce comprehension while also facilitating improved oral and written expression.

The Inference Strategy

The Inference Strategy™ from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning is designed to help students improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. This analytical approach to making inferences is a strategy to facilitate connections between information read and prior knowledge.  This explicit approach targets understanding implied meaning in text and the ability to answer various types of inferential questions.

Sentence/Paragraph Writing

Sentence/Paragraph Writing™ from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning targets explicit instruction in sentence writing and provides students a series of steps and formulas to improve the variety and structural complexity of sentences when writing.  Strategies for improving writing at the paragraph level targets the principles of paragraph construction. 

Paragraph/Essay Writing

Paragraph/Essay Writing™ strategies target improving paragraph and theme writing including focus on the principles of paragraph construction and writing cohesive essays. Specific strategies may include “Step Up to Writing®”, Paragraph and/or Theme Writing strategies from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning, as well as resources from “Language Pathways™” Pathways for Grammar and Writing.

Reading Groups

“Reading Groups” – Reading Groups are offered based on community interest and needs. Groups target completion of a literature selection(s) and focus on encouraging reading enjoyment while reinforcing important language-based reading comprehension skills and oral reading fluency for elementary age students. Sessions focus on organization and maintenance of the established reading schedule as well as targeted comprehension skills enhanced through group discussion. Comprehension and verbal expression skills are supplemented by use of therapeutic strategies to enhance understanding of important literary elements such as characterization, setting, sequence of plot events, and theme analysis. The strategy of visual imagery involves creating a mental representation of information read and heard to improve comprehension skills and abilities, oral and written expression, and critical thinking skills and are introduced to enhance visual imagery skills. Active questioning strategies modeled during oral reading and book discussions reinforce the critical thinking skills of drawing conclusions, making predictions, and inferencing. Visual organizers are used for recording information about elements of literature and reinforces students’ verbal and written summaries. Services are offered by our licensed speech-language pathologists and can be individualized for students of all ages / grade levels based on schedule availability.

Literacy Boot Camp

“Half-Day Literacy Boot Camp” is offered for middle school and high school age students based on community interest and schedule availability. The half-day session begins and ends with executive functioning strategy instruction to enhance organizational skills followed by instruction in three of the five research-based Meridian Academy strategies that target ACT/SAT vocabulary development, test taking, reading comprehension/critical thinking, and written expression.  Literacy Boot Camp meets Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and offer families a substantial savings off individual rates. See individual Meridian Academy session descriptions for more information.